Your feelings are pertinent, given that your argument is based on the implication that you have an unassailable and unanswerable argument on the nation’s social ills that you have been unjustly thwarted from presenting. None of what you are complaining about is “PC”-what your real grievance is about here is that progressives aren’t giving the views you espouse special deference…that your fixation with blaming the poor and your seeming insistence on centering most of society’s problems on the alleged moral failings of people in other community is not universally accepted as a defense of “virtue” and that most individual hard times can be put down to a supposed lack of “virtue”-an argument which does nothing whatsoever, for example, to explain the wealth and power currently possessed by the Trump family, a family in which “virtue”, as Victorian moralists would have defined it, simply does not exist and every thing gained has been gained solely by luck, treachery, coercion, or a combo platter of the three.