You write from a positionality outside the culture of white majority countries, and from a place of positive intent.
I respect both of those things.
In white majority cultures such as the U.S. , one of the major reasons that the assertion that white people could also be victims of racism-we CAN be victims of prejudice, but NOT racism is my own view and the view of most antiracists in the U.S. of all races, in my observation-is that those who usually make that assertion-white conservatives who are allied with political movements and parties whose popularity is due almost entirely to their insistence on stoking unjustified white resentment against peoples of color, as well as against non-Christians, people who aren’t heterosexual, and people who are not citizens by birth of the U.S.-follow up their assertion that white are ALSO subject to racism with the implicit argument that, unless all people of color are devoid of any and all forms of prejudice towards whites-and these white conservatives tend to define ANY expression of anger towards the white power structure as racist-that, therefore, peoples of color and white people are EQUALLY victims of racism, which, to the white conservative mind then produces this astonishingly delusional conclusions:
A)Racism is no longer a major issue in U.S. or other white majority societies;
or this even MORE astonishingly delusional conclusion:
B)White people are “The REAL victims of racism” in those societies, and that the only way to remedy that is to take those societies back, as closely as possible, to the rigid white supremacism of the 1950s.