You honestly believe that black and brown people have no valid reasons to revolt against the way the police treat them, against the hostility they are subjected to anytime they move into what was previously defined as a "white" neighborhood?
You really believe that nobody, unless they were some how "subverted"- a concept that isn't real, btw- would ever try to change anything in this country?
When we started this exchange, I thought you were just a conventional, fairly reasonable conservative.
You're not.
You respect for the human buy into this discredited Ayn Rand myth that other than a tiny, self-anointed "elite", nobody gives a damn about anything and everybody would be perfectly content with "their place" if it weren't for somebody putting notions in their minds.
In other words, you see the world like a segregationist in 1960, or a slaveowner in 1860. Or like the inhabitants of "Galt's Gulch".
And the fact that, repeatedly, people all over the world have risen up to change their conditions means nothing to you at all.
if you're using medical terms like "inflamattation" and "pathogens", you're not talking like the actual Adam Smith- a man who gave people credit for agency and the ability to think for themselves, and who, contrary to conservative myth, was not implacably opposed to all forms of social welfare- but like Hitler. You have reached the point where you've mentally revoked the humanity of the vast majority of the human race.
Did you know that Hitler was the man who coined the phrase "a bulwark againts Communism" that was later used to justify the U.S. overthrowing democratic governments in Latin America and replacing them with military juntas- and that he used it to refer to HIMSELF?
Coming anywhere close to sounding like that guy is a lot worse than being a "trained Marxist".