You hadn’t asked me for detailed plans. But actually, I do have some:
- Put everyone on benefits, impose a global rent freeze and a global bar of evictions, mortgage payments, and foreclosures until the curve is flattened;
- USE the Defense Production Act to prioritize the production of ventilators and palliative medications-especially decongestants-and then the production of vaccines WHEN THEY ARE PROVEN EFFECTIVE;
- Provide start-up funds to the employees of businesses that closed due to the virus, in cases where those businesses are not reopened, the employees themselves can re-open as worker-run cooperatives. Set up a National or, if need be Global Cooperative bank to facilitate this. Cooperatives were springing up all over the country and the planet before the outbreak and provide a humane, workable alternative to both market capitalism and bureaucratic state socialism, creating a humane workplace AND consumer choice at reasonable prices;
- Put people to work at home during the crisis creating proposals for economic revival in their own areas; once the crisis ends, put them to work carrying out those ideas;
- Fund all of the above by a 40%-50% cut in the war budget and by restoring taxes on the wealthy to pre-1981 levels.
- If need be, seize the assets of wealthy tax avoiders under eminent domain and property foreclosure laws.
People instinctively work together to keep each other alive. This instinct is what we need to encourage more than any other. The human race cannot recover if we stay in the Gordon Gekko/Michael Bloomberg/Elon Musk/Donald Trump “all power to the arrogant egotist” model of running life.