YOU divide us by identity, Will, in your absurdly rigid insistence that nothing matters but class- btw, Kimberle Crenshaw never said class didn't matter, the very concept of "intersectionality" includes class as a basic part of its premise; it's just that she says class isn't the only thing- and in your implicit demand that everyone else simply accept that white leftists- and I say this AS a white leftist who supported Bernie twice- should be the ones who set the terms for what the Left should and shouldn't fight for, and that everyone else should just defer to white leftists and trust us that everything will be taken care of "come the revolution"- never mind that no actual revolution so far has ever actually addressed racism in the countries where that revolution prevailed.
You are dividing the Left and doing harm to the cause of a socialist future- the libertarian socialist future we all need- by essentially writing the same "shut the hell up about racism" column over and over again, and by essentially accusing everyone who recognizes that the struggle isn't JUST about class, that class and identity must both be addressed if we're to make the world we need, of being tools of this mythical race reductionist Black bourgeoisie that is actually only a tiny, trivial fragment of the antiracist movement.
As you have always been, you represent every part of the toxic white Left mindset that cost Bernie the black vote-and probably the nomination- in 2016 AND 2020.
For the good of everyone struggling to end class AND identity oppression, please stop. You are doing nothing but harm.