You did it again. Abortion is not “all about convenience”. There are many other reasons a woman would seek that procedure:
- She is only pregnant because a form of contraception failed;
- She is a victim of rape-or, if under certain age limits, a victim of child sexual assault;
- Her health would be jeopardized-whose to say “to save the life of the mother” is the only acceptable criterion? If that were put on the statute books in much of the South, many if not most physicians would never admit a woman’s life was in actual danger;
- She would be too poor to feed and clothe another child;
for a start:
And you can say the “just a bunch of cells” line was sarcasm, but there was no way to tell and in any case there was no excuse at all to reference abortion in this context at all.
Finally, no one in mourning owes any complete stranger, or anyone else, an explanation for why they would choose to publicly announce a personal tragedy, and there is no reason for anyone to take issue with anyone else’s decision to do so. If you don’t understand why this would be revealed- and I’d say this of anyone who put a personal loss on social media- you are a complete stranger to this woman and it’s none of your business why she would make such an announcement.
What you’ve posted here makes you look petty and sanctimonious, and while I respect your right to express your opposition to abortion if that’s a moral issue with you, this tendency of those of you to do to try and shoehorn the issue into every possible discussion, whether it is appropriate to the discussion in question or not, makes you all sound petty and obsessed.
And the fact is that the abortion rate in this country has been voluntarily falling for decades, and will fall far more if we get things like free contraceptive access and a proper level of support services for those who are facing unexpected births, combined with an admission that no woman should ever again be stigmatized or shamed for conceiving, so what is the point of forcing the abortion issue into every conversation anyway? You’re already pretty much getting what you want on this, and the trend will move even more in the direction you demand if you all just back off and show a little flexibility and empathy, so why do you all even need to be this relentless?