Ken Burch
3 min readMay 16, 2020


Yes, The ACA-there’s no good reason to call it “Obamacare”-it’s not as though no one other than President Obama himself wanted a universal healthcare system-left people out-but you don’t remedy that by stripping healthcare coverage from those NOT left out.

It would produce nothing positive, and certainly nothing to write a positive headline about, to repeal the ACA, put nothing in its place-and that’s what Trump will do. If he hasn’t offered a healthcare proposal of his own, in the last year of what could be his only term, he never will, and it would be indecent to not have a replacement proposal in place to go into effect the moment the ACA was repealed-he isn’t GOING to offer a proposal of his own.

And the reason the man hasn’t got many positive headlines-btw, “byline”, refers to the name of the reporter who filed the story, not the story itself-it’s because the man has few, if any achievements. The economy is simply where it would be if Obama were still in office or Hillary or Bernie had replaced him-we’ve had no economic gains from wages being held down and environmental and safety regulations being cut down to nothing-and other than the economy, he’s had nothing close to an achievement.

It’s no achievement that he ended a nuclear agreement with Iran that was working;

It’s no achievement that he appeased the Israeli Far Right with his pointless decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem;

It’s no achievement that he massively increased family separations-yes they happened under Obama, but under too trivially few occasions to be comparable, not that there’s any decent excuse ever to separate refugee children from refugee parents-at the U.S-Mexico border;

It’s no achievement that he has pandered to and deliberately emboldened white supremacist and anti-Muslim groups through his pointlessly nasty rhetoric on race and immigration;

It’s no achievement that he has made the pandemic massively worse by refusing, at every step, to listen to the doctors and scientists and, instead focused on useless, inflammatory steps like his demonization of China and his repeated implications that the Chinese government deliberately developed Covid-19, or by his implications that if they did-they didn’t, obviously-this somehow absolves him or responsibility for making the obvious, sensible choices like immediately starting widespread testing and contact tracing, implementing the Defense Production Act to produce sufficient test kits and PPE, and by putting an immediate emphasis, when the virus was first know of in February, on beginning serious work on finding a vaccine-all the while cutting funds to the CDC AND BY PUTTING POSSIBLY MILLIONS OF LIVES AT RISK BY NOT GIVING UP ON TRYING TO KILL THE ACA UNTIL AT LEAST THE PANDEMIC’S OVER.

You can’t seriously argue that it could possibly be appropriate to keep trying to strip millions of people of healthcare coverage during a global health crisis?

What I’ve said about Trump I would say about anyone else who was approaching the pandemic this way-it’s irresponsible and immoral to put a re-election campaign and an insistence on continuing unjustified and pointless feuds against imagined enemies ahead of what a president is supposed to be doing in a situation such as this: protecting the American people and keeping as many as us as possible from dying from this virus.

If this president HAD focused on that, his re-election would, in all likelihood, be assured. Why did he refuse to do that, in your view? Why was it beyond him to put the greater good, the common good, ahead of all else?



Ken Burch
Ken Burch

Written by Ken Burch

Retired Alaska ferryboat steward, grandparent, sometime poet. Radical yet independent of dogma. Likes nice days, playing banjo and not as yet dying of Covid.

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