Why keep defending the Israeli government? It's going to be right-wing and anti-peace from here on in, and it will perpetually make peace impossible by treating Palestinians and Arabs as if they are solely to blame for the conflict and are incapable of condicting themselves as decent, civilized human beings. I know why Israel was created in 1948 and its existence as currently constituted was justified them- but it is not a legitimate thing for that state to demand unquestioning support from the rest of the world any longer. No state can make taking land for the SAKE of taking land the primary justification for its existence, and no group anywhere has the right to demand that the rest of the world accept the idea that the freedom of that group is somehow irretrievably bound up in the oppression of another group.
It's time for compromise negotiations, and acknowledgement of the humanity and right to exist in peace, freedom of security of the people of Palestine as well as those of Israel.
The world is turning against Israel because it refuses to treat Palestinians as human, as people with as great a capacity for goodness and civility and functioning as a proper society as any other- all of which are things that the Israeli government refuses to do, preferring to treat all Palestinians as nothing but bloodsoaked monsters devoid of any human value whatsoever.