Which is why Netanyahu should NEVER have spent decades propping up Hamas to sideline the PLO and prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state next to Israel. Netanyahu KNEW Hamas were vile the whole time and he should have known that, if Hamas were kept in the game and given more and more influence, they were inevitably going to do this. He just wanted to have a bogeyman and to prevent Palestinian self-determination.
Not only is the blood of Palestinian children on Netanyahu's hands, so is the blood of every Israeli Jew who died at that music festival- after he disregarded US and Egyptian warnings that Hamas was planning to do this and let the festival go on- and so will be the blood of any hostages who dies if he goes ahead and launches a massive invasion of Gaza. Netanyahu doesn't care how many Palestinians OR Israelis die in this conflict- all he cares about is ending Palestinian national identity, making a two-state peace permanently impossible- and almost in the name of his anti-peace, anti-equalitu, anti-justice ideology and his obsession with inflicting collective revenge on all Palestinians for the death of his brother Yonatan in the raid on Entebbe in 1975- even the vast majority of Palestinians who weren't born yet.
I mourn all those Hamas killed on Oct 7th, and all the innocent children the IDF has killed over the years. But it is impossible for any of the killing to be stopped by Israel invading Gaza, and it would be immoral to use such invasion by forcing the population of Gaza into permanent exile.
Vengeance can only make things worse.