What he called "policies" were never about anything but exclusion and confrontation- his pointless obsession with China- a country whose legitimate economic success story he only opposes because he thinks non-White countries have no right to be prosperous, and a country that has done nothing to us- his collective demonization of Muslims, even though the vast majority of the Muslim world joins in opposing what he calls "terrorism" and Muslim-American citizens and Muslim immigrants are no more dangerous or harmful than immigrants from anywhere else- his obsession with stopping immigration from Mexico and Central America- including LEGAL immigration- even though Mexico is right next to us and immigration from there should always have been accepted as simply a natural thing- and his fixation with finding other countries to blame for Covid when it doesn't MATTER where Covid came from because it is simply a public health issue and it was his responsibility to address it and take it seriously, and even though finding other countries to blame for it- it was here before anything ever happened in Wuhan- was never going to help in controlling it.