What does abortion even have to do with this? Chrissy Teigen wasn't having an abortion- as far as I know she has never had one- and it's not as if the fact that she is pro-choice meant she has somehow forfeited any right to a decent, emphathetic response.
She had a miscarriage. It was a medical event- it wasn't God deliberately inflicting this on her. The fact that some people who call themselves Christians are vindictive monsters doesn't mean that Jesus' Dad is like them.
Neither Chrissy Teigen or anybody ELSE is an "avid abortion supporter". Nobody is out there trying to persuade women who don't wish to terminate pregnancies to do so.
As to why she would put something "private" out there "for the masses to see"- it's only "private" if that person doesn't wish it to be known. It's obvious why they put this out there- they had had a horrible, almost unendurable loss and they needed emotional support. It's no different between posting a message about the death of a friend or a close relative on Facebook.
They don't owe any of us an explanation or a justification for asking for this support, and it isn't an imposition on anyone if they do.
People in pain have the right to ask for help by any means they feel necessary.
You should ask yourself, Richard, why you feel so utterly entitled to step in to this as the voice of rigid, patriarchal sanctimony.
And the rest of us can fairly ask:
What did Chrissy Teigen and John Legend ever do to you?