Wendy C., if you want to win Sanders supporters over, you’re not going to do it by taunting them and acting like it was bullshit for them to ever think it was worth working for the things they support. If you want them to vote for your candidate in the fall, you can’t get them to do that by kicking them while they’re down.
The Democratic Party had almost four years in which they could have prevented Bernie from running again…four years in which they COULD have said “we may not do everything you want, but you are right that the party needs to change, needs to stop being obsessed with a bland center that no longer exists. Come in, work with us, we’ll work with you and find a way to meet halfway”.
Can you justify the party establishment’s refusal to even try doing that, and, instead of doing that, spend the last four years saying “we won’t listen, we won’t learn, we won’t change”?
The polls prove Biden isn’t any more electable than anybody else we could have nominated. There was no case for “staying the course” and re-running Hillary’s campaign with a drearier Hillary.