We are essentially the only country anymore that still assumes that our children should HAVE to face down school bullies on the playground- that bullying and the artificially-created need to stand up to bullies "builds character". Much of it starts from there, and it's telling that, in recent years, the dominant form of Christianity in this country is evangelicalism, whose methods of coerced conversion start with verbal bullying- the repeated insistence on telling people who don't wish to convert to evangelicalism that they will "burn in Hell" if they don't- and extends on to vote suppression imposed on black people, most of whom are also Christians but who reject the idea that a Christian has to support tax cuts for the rich and a perpetually massive war budget to be a follower of Christ- into hate-based sermons that incite violence against LGBTQ people, Muslims, and those members of the Jewish community to do not collude with evangelicals in their agenda regarding Israel.