Uh…so, you’re afraid of something that couldn’t possibly happen. That’s telling.
Oh, and Guatemala is the way it is because the U.S. overthrew a democratic government there in 1954-mainly because that government dared to let the poor grow subsistence crops-corn and beans and other staples needed to feed themselves-on land owned and left fallow by the United Fruit Company.
The government that was overthrown was also the first government in Guatemalan history that stood in solidarity with Indigenous Guatemalans-the majority of the Guatemalan population-and tried to help them preserve and revive their culture.
The U.S. wouldn’t let land essentially stolen by a Yanqui corporation be used to meet human needs, and organized a military coup, producing a military junta which still, for all practical purposes runs the country, with figurehead puppet leaders-all right wing-being run against each other in “demonstration elections”.
That military junta has spent the last sixty-six years denying the poor all hope and working to crush any semblance of indigenous culture.
That’s why Guatemala is bad-because the U.S. State Department MADE it bad-not because people who aren’t white live there.