To those posters who are chiming in with endless derision towards this post, and who have spent every day since South Carolina sneering at and verbally pissing on Sanders activists, acting like it was bullshit for them to ever even try to do what they’ve tried to do…what, exactly, do you think your accomplishing? More importantly, how do you think you’re helping Mr. Biden-if he is nominated, and he could still bust out a career-ending blooper at any moment-think of how horrible it will be if that happens the day after he is nominated, when there is no way to remove him from the ticket-by insulting and disrespecting the people whose votes and campaigning support he will desperately need to pick up if he is to have any chance of winning? You do realize it isn’t possible to shame and browbeat them into voting for a ticket that will make a big, arrogant point of not standing for anything they care about, right?