Thoughts about DIRTY DANCING:
1) Wasn't there pretty much a federal law in the Fifties and early Sixties that all dads were REQUIRED to be tightasses, in order to avoid being blacklisted as Communists?
2) Given the grown-man-sleeping-with-Baby-thing-"Family Guy" did a brilliant, if fairly non-P.C. "cutaway" on that, which referenced the fact that Jerry Orbach played both Baby's dad AND Det. Lenny Briscoe on Law & Order-Daddy probably wasn't tightassed enough.
3) The Failed DIRTY DANCING prequel-DIRTY DANCING: HAVANA NIGHTS was set in 1958, when the original film had taken place in 1963, and released in 2004 when the original had been released in 1987, yet the slogan they used for it in the poster was "Have The Time Of Your Life All Over Again". Shouldn't it have been "Have The Time Of Your Life That You're Seeing Seventeen Years After You Saw The Other Time Of Your Life, Even Though This Time Of Your Life Happened Five Years Before The Time Of Your Life You Saw Before This, Because Time Travel Is Apparently A Thing In Hollywood, Or Something, I'm Really Confused Now"?