This is exactly why Hillary lost what should have been an unlosable election to The Former Guy- she had tons of qualification, everybody knew she could do the job in her sleep, but she and a lot of her upper-class white cis-women supporters came across as everybody who had ever looked down their nose at the people who ended up voting for The Former Guy- buy contrast, TFG came across, somehow, as being just as much an outsider as they are- never mind that he would have security kick anybody wearing a MAGA cap out of any of his failing hotels, especially the homeless veterans Trumpist memes keep implying that he cares about and nobody else in politics does- and that the only relationship they could ever have with him in real life would be as employees for the building contractors he stiffed.
He never gave a damn about any of these people and never did a damn thing that helped any of them, but he brilliantly sold the bullshit line that he and he alone did care about them- that it was him and them against an "Unfair!' world.
And neither Obama nor Hillary nor Biden could ever break his grip on these voters because, thanks to their insistence on presenting as "pro-business" and appeasing corporate donors, and going out of their way to make it clear that the Democratic Party stands with the suites. not the streets, none of them and nobody they would ever allow to be a future Democratic presidential nominee will ever be able to connect with any of these voters- even though many of them would be won over with a Democratic message that addressed class and economic exclusion.
The Democratic establishment would rather lose than present itself as a party that fights economic and class exclusion, a party that finds ways to connect with those in want or those who fear ending up in want.
They are fine with addressing social oppression- which does need to be addressed, and soon- but ONLY those forms of it that can be addressed without asking anything of the rich and without breaking down the barriers establishment Dem centrists have helped erect and preserve that divide the working class by race and ensure that enough working-class whites will vote for the party of reaction and hatred to spare the Dem establishment ever having to do anything that requires any sacrifice from their corporate donors.