There’s also no such thing as “Corbynism”. There is simply left-wing democratic socialism and opposition to austerity and war. None of that was invented by Corbyn and none of it was based on a personality cult- it’s just that the man inspired actual personal enthusiasm because he stood for something and for some twisted reason people like you see that as unhealthy- as if every political leader has an obligation to be dreary and barely tolerable.
And the mosques are Indian- they are not Persian or Afghan and Islam is not an alien religion. Muslims in India have done nothing to deserve the hostility Modi has incited against them, they are simply Indian citizens whose families have always lived in India- they are not outsiders and there is no justification for treating them as if they are responsible for the actions of long-defunct empires. Indian Muslims have as much right to live in India and hold to their faiths as anyone else who lives there.
I don’t just oppose Hindu nationalism(something millions of Hindus oppose as well). I oppose Chinese nationalism, Iranian AND Saudi nationalism, and every form of right-wing Christian-supremacist European or Slavic nationalism as well, and the antidemocratic/anti-multicultural/anti-modern inclusive life concept of “Real American” nationalism.
I regard all of those nationalist movements are death cults and none have any motivation other than those who aren’t accepted as truly part of “the nation-state” as well.
If the world is to survive, nationalism and all forms of religious extremism, including Hindu extremism like Modi’s- a form of racist nationalism which derives from a movement, the RSS which backed the Nazis and, a few years later, the assassination of Gandhi, need to be sent to the ash heap of history or else all of us will be consigned to the flames. The future must be multicultural, inclusive, and accepting of all, or we as a species will send ourselves there.