There was never any such thing as a "limousine liberal". DeSantis lost on this one, and you've got nothing to be smug about. He may not even get a second term.
What did the rest of the world ever do to the wafer-thin majority of Florida votes who elected DeSantis to provoke your endless bitterness. anyway? It's hard to imagine that it was that much of a burden to observe trivially minor pubic health measures during a pandemic, or allow LGBTQ high school students to be free fro parental persecution- we all know nobody who identifies as LGBTQ+ can ever be successfully coerced into "getting over it"- or just allowing the schools to teach the truth about the structural racism we all know is baked into this country's history.
Also, I seriouslt doubt President Biden-there was never any reason to make a big deal about that NASCAR reporter trying to hide the fact that the crowd was chanting the "f word" on ;live tv, and it wasn't bias or anything remotely like an outrage that she did,- did anything remotely like sending 70 planeloads of undocumented humans to your state in the middle of the freaking night.