There is no such thing as an “LGBTQ” belief. Some people are simply born gay, or lesbian, or other forms of non-heteronorm sexual and emotional identity. Nobody chooses to be LGBTQ, and nobody is recruited to it. And the LGBTQ community, as a bloc, wholeheartedly denounces and opposes pedophilia.
For that matter. the overwhelming majority of pedophiles identify as heterosexual in their sexual feelings towards adults-many pedophiles are, in fact homophobes-most of the pedophile clerics whose vile acts are still being uncovered are in that category.
It has been documented that homophobia does severe emotional damage to the LGBTQ teens it is inflicted on. In my home town-and this must be the case across this country, sadly-there are a lot of teens who are homeless because their parents through them out of the house when they realized what their sexual orientation was. This drives huge numbers of teens to substance abuse and suicide. There is nothing about having been born LGBTQ that could possibly justify putting these young people through such treatment and such misery.
And quite frankly, it doesn’t affect you that other people were born gay, so it’s not your place to demand that they live in hiding from you and in fear of you. LGBTQ people are not your freaking enemies.