The small number of violent incidents which occurred- many of which turned out to have been committed by right-wing infiltrators- unfortuate as they were, do not discredit or delegitimize the anti-racist rising of 2020- a rising which wad inevitable, was spontaneous and from-below, and which nothing and no one could have prevented. The rising was not a Democratic Party plot- establishment Dems were horrified when it occurred; they were certain the rising would cost them the election. The rising wasn't controlled by any organization at all- it happened on its own, as the genuine expression of Black, Brown and Left America in the moment.
And no one who used threats of deadly force to try to stop the rising- which, again could never have been prevented, because no valid alternative to the rising existed- could ever have done anything to address structural racism after using brute force.
Soaking thw streets with blood, as Mr. Trump demanded, could never have had any meaningful effect, other than to kill thousands of innocent people in even greater police brutality than was actually used against the rising in reality, a reality in which the b police did., in fact, use mass arrests and mass beatings in the name of the fascistic concept of "order".
Why is it so difficult to accept that the actions of the criminal justice system made the rising inevitable? That there was nothing anyone in the antiracist movement could ever have done or said to prevent? That it wasn't a conspiracy- nothing on the Left in this country ever has been- but the sincere, spontaneous spirit of the moment? That No one had any right to try and stop itz Why pretend it was optional and better ways to fight racism when, obviously, none did?