The simple truth is, obviously, that this country is structurally racist and classist. It is the simple truth that the Constitution was written by rich white men to privilege rich white men over everyone else. That is the only reason we have the Senate-everyone knows that “small states vs large states” is just code for “states run by the wealthy like medieval fiefdoms vs states that, in theory, at least have the potential for giving everyone an equal say”.
I want radical change…but not “revolution” in the nightmarish, bloodsoaked sense you imagine. Transformation doesn’t have to be tyranny- it can just be liberation.
And my “ideology” is democracy- political, social, and economic democracy- none of which would lead to a replication of the USSR under Stalin or China under Mao.
I simply want a world where no one is oppressed, excluded, made to live in want or discarded as useless. None of those objectives would require the creation of a police state.
BTW, my main point in the previous post was simply that there is no way you can teach the history of this country, on the level of simple fact, and have anybody who actually learned that history graduate as a conservative- and, by contrast, there is no one who becomes an activist who would have spent their live being acquiescent and unquestioning about the current structures of life if only they hadn’t gone to college. Nobody’s mind works that way, and nobody is so utterly devoid of the capacity for independent thought that they would never question unless tricked into questioning- any more than any enslaved person in this country would have been happy to live and die enslaved if it hadn’t been for them dadburned Yankee abolitionists puttin’ foolish notions in their heads- and I write that as a descendant of slaveowners, some of whom may well have said something as stupid as that after they ceased to be slaveowners.
And if you’re bashing “the humanities”- a set of academic disciplines just as rigorous as any other- you’d have to acknoledge that there is nothing in what you call “STEM” courses that would automatically turn anyone into a supporter of the status quo.
Teaching students science means teaching them the scientific consensus that human activity causes climate change and that human activity needs to change as a result.
Teaching technology doesn’t necessarily mean teaching students nothing but mainstream technology- it is just as much about teaching technologies that facilitate the use of non-extractive energy sources and ways of living that don’t require a person to live on the conventional electrical grid.
And there is nothing intrinsically conservative in mathematics- the fact tht a math deals largely in objective facts does not mean that it inevitably teaches that those objective facts somehow mandate the preservation of the status quo. Some of our greatest mathematicians, such as Albert Einstein, have been socialists- so was J. Robert Oppenheimer, the member of the Trinity atom bomb team who later had the wisdom to repent his horrible creation.
There is no way to guarantee that people won’t ever dissent, won’t ever challenge, won’t ever question- and in fact, nobody can be prevented from doing those things, because that’s what the human mind naturally does.
As the anthem of the 17th Century Peasant’s War in Germany- for human equality and against property and aristocracy- put it:
I think as I please, and this gives me pleasure
My conscience decrees, this right I must treasure
My thoughts will not cater to duke or dictator
And free people cry “Die Gedanken Sind Frei!”.