The now-discredited claims of decapitated babies on October 7th are in the vile tradition of the British propaganda claim- during the comically misnamed "Great War" of 1914-18- that the German army bayonetted Belgian infants to death as they rolled through that country.
It turned out that never happened- all there was was one incident of an excessively stupid German soldier picking up an already long-dead Belgian baby with a bayonet to throw in a mass grave. Belgian infants were never killed with bayonets and the only reason the British government spread that lie was to gain recruits for a conflict a lot of young British men saw as a pointless battle between European cousin-emperors.
All the now-discredited claims of decapitated Israeli children did was cause the brutal deaths of thousands of ACTUAL Gazan children- as if 8, 6, 4, or two year-olds (or those younger) can ever be justifiable targets in a war.