The issue isn't with the Boomers as a group; it's with those in the group who started out with progressive ideals and then became reactionary and spiteful out of short-term individual self-interest and, not leaving it at that, became irrationally obsessed with denouncing, berating and rhetorically pissing on those in this generation who haven't abandon their consciences or checked the dreams at the door and who have held to what they believe in even though it's far HARDER to be a young activist, or simply to be young at all, in this era than it was in the Sixties, when activism-for white kids anyway-was largely risk-free and was undertaken by those who knew that, in a few years, they'd still be able to count on a high-paying job-for-life no matter what.
There are more Boomers than most people realize, though, who HAVEN’T decided they had no choice but to become bitter, dismissive “you kids keep off my lawn!” types, who either still hold the dreams they always held or have found dreams they didn’t have before, and who proudly march alongside THIS generation of activists.
THOSE Boomers should not be included with the ones this article references.
And I say that as someone born in 1960, and thus a chronological member of the Boomer era, even if one who missed the Sixties by a few years and had to endure, along with many of you, the Eighties, an ugly, nasty era in which our leaders did all they could to push a culture of compulsory cheerfulness and acquiescence to a set of policies and a generation of political leaders devoted to destroying any semblance of empathetic, egalitarian, non-conformist and non-aggressive/non-arrogant values in this country- a project in which they damn near succeeded.