The Gaza pull-out in the 2000s- which was always going to have to happen given that the Israeli settlers there had universally treated Gazans like dirt and acted as if Gaza- an area with little if any significant Jewish history since the Romans and Persians inflicted the Dispersal- belonged to them(the settlers) and nobody else- was handled in a way that treated Gazans with contempt, and which never made any attempt to coordinate with Palestinian or Gazan authorities to create a smooth transition.
Please, once and for, all stop pretending this is about Palestinians hating "Jews". The anger they feel towards Israelis- a group that has never been synonymous with everyone and everything Jewish in the world- is the same anger they would feel towards anybody ELSE treating them as they've been treated since 1967.
How about actually acknowledging that wrongs have been done to Palestinians- in the 1947-48 era, after 1967, and in other times as well(such as the 1949-65 period, when Palestinians living in Israel- the ones who, by staying where they were, had made it clear that they accepted the state and were at peace with it, and who therefore should have been treated with nothing but magnanimity from the start- were subjected to sixteen years of ethnic-specific martial law, were collectively punished when they were doing nothing that merited collective punishment?
What would be lost in the Israeli side saying "we have the right to be here, but we acknowledge that you aren't all evil, that you aren't universally driven by hate and that there have been a lot of times when you've been given far harsher treatment than you deserve"?
Also, if you want Palestinians to treat Israelis differently- and again, it's Israelis, not Jews and they'd be as angry at anybody else who treats them like that - how do you think that's going to be made to happen if the Israeli response is simply to keep universally immiserating them?
In what universe is it possible to crush and humiliate people into treating the people who are crushing and humiliating them BETTER?
How long will it take before you realize that 1) Israel, as a country, isn't entitled to claim moral superiority over Palestine anymore, and hasn't been for decades, if it ever was and 2) People can't be made better than they are by being ground into the dirt?
It's not just about the side YOU support. It's about introducing common humanity for a change.