The Democrats still haven't learned to defend themselves when attacked, and to make a positive case for the things they HAVE achieved.
There was a great ad a couple of years ago about all the things the infrastructure bill had achieved- most of which were better for ordinary working-class people than anything Trump would do- and they only ran the ad ONCE- it should have been on every week, every day if need be.
They should also have got out the truth about what their policies on crime were- the party NEVER supported defunding or abolishing the police, and the police weren't abolished or even defunded anywhere.
The administration was extensively deporting undocumented people who'd committed violent crimes- they should have publicized that.
On inflation- they should have said "yes, it's too high, and that's why we'll back price controls now".
And their ads should have centered the importance of the Supreme Court appointments- those appointments were what establishment centrist Dems used as their argument for offering no significantly progressive policies and keeping the base out in the cold during each fall campaign- why didn't their ads or their rallies even MENTION those to any significant degree? They were never going to get votes from people who wanted more reactionaries on the Court.