The 2000 situation involved one state, where the state elections department had unjustly purged 80,000 black voters from the rolls without giving these people any warning that they were in danger of losing their right to vote, and in which the margin between the two candidates was 500 votes(a margin that was being reduced as the recount stopped by the Bush Supreme Court went on). There is no possible way the 11,000 vote margin for Biden in Georgia, the 20,000 vote margin for Biden in Wisconsin, the 80,000 vote margin for Biden in Pennsylvania and the 140,000 margin for Biden in Michigan could possibly be overturned.
Yes, black people can think for themselves-which is why the vast majority of them rejected, of their own free will, the idea that they had anything to gain from keeping the president who spent four years minimizing white supremacist violence, including the endless series of white police killings of black people in the White House- but seriously- we're supposed to accept Trump's argument that no majority-black city can be trusted to accurately count its own vote totals. And if there was evidence of significant vote fraud, the Trump legal team would have presented it already, having no excuse for withholding such evidence to this point.
The reality is, Trump was voted out. And state legislators are not allowed to choose slates of electors in their states who are not obligated to vote in accordance with the will of the voters in their states. They can appoint electors, but the electors are obligated to vote the way the state voted.
It's over. For the sake of your own mental health, accept reality on this.
You are not going to see Trump sworn in for a second term.