That article you linked to doesn't PROVE anything- it is simply a list of assertions, it provides no evidence for anything it says. I read it, but I'm not sure why you think it supports whatever point you were making.
Are you seriously going to argue that the way ordinary Palestinians- not just the tiny number of them who are part of the armed factions, but all of them collectively- have been treated by the Israeli government under the post-1967 Occupations of Palestinian land, the diversion of water, the theft of ancient olive and lemon groves Palestinian farmers have depended on for their livelihoods for centuries, the checkpoints, the collective restrictions on movement which make it impossible for Palestinians to hold steady jobs, the refusal to allow the West Bank to even have its own international airport so Palestinians don't have to pass through relentless harassment from Israeli customs agents simply to leave and enter their own homeland from other places, the seizure of Palestinian land to expand the illegal West Bank settlements, the violent alliance between illegal West Bank settlers and IDF soldiers to relentlessly bully and intimidate ordinary Palestinians- and before that, in the 1949-65 era, the completely unjustified imposition of ethnic-specific martial law restrictions on Palestinians who stayed within Israel(and in staying proved that they accepted the state and therefore should simply have been left alone) , that NONE of that justified even SOME of the anger Palestinians feel towards Israel? That, even with all of that, there is NO other possible explanation of why Palestinians feel anger towards Israel or Zionism than "antisemitism"? If somebody treated YOU like that, would you say you had to be bigoted against them to have an issue with that treatment?