She's not "our teenager" and nothing she said about race-what she said was all valid and true, btw- did this country any harm. She didn't disrespect veterans either- she was honoring them by using the freedom of speech they fought for, Black and Brown veterans agree with what she said, and it's not as if veterans as a group ever demanded that everybody else treat the flag as an object of worship.
A lot of veterans have come back from the wars they served in and joined the movements to stop those wars, too- it's not as if every veteran is an unquestioning militarist like Rambo- and Rambo was played by a guy who didn't serve in Vietnam- Sylvester Stallone dodged the draft by working as a ski instructor at a girls' boarding school in Switzerland, so he was totally full of shit in thinking we could have won in Vietnam but the troops "weren't allowed to".