Reform never includes structural change- it's always nothing but trivial tinkering at the edges of the edges. Also, "revolution" doesn't have to mean Che Guevara-style armed struggle- it can be nonviolent, as it was in Czechoslovakia and the Philippines when Marcos was ousted and in Dresden-although the Dresden rising, which was a fight for radical libertarian socialism not a capitalist restoration-was betrayed by the arrogance of Helmut Kohl.
When we talk "revolution" now, we are talking mainly about the idea of the people rising to create a freer, gentler life-no significant group in the U.S. wants the return of Stalinism or Maoism.
The possibility for miraculous, gentle, life-affirming movements for change exists always in the human spirit. We don't need to be patronizing limited and lectured from above by self-appointed hierarchs who know no more about what needs to be done than anybody else.