Ok, Philip, it is true that Democrats have repeatedly taken black voters for granted. But the GOP, the party of "law and order"- a phrase which has never been about actually maintaining public safety but has always simply been code for "make black people live in perpetual fear of police murder"- have nothing to offer black America. And even the supposed jobs Trump has created-which aren't really jobs at all, since they don't pay enough to live on and have no chance to get anyone to any better place in life-are no achievement. Donald Trump is STILL the man who refuses to accept that the Central Park 5 were proven innocent-the courts exonerated them and another person confessed-and pushed for their execution even though their guilt was always questionable at best, and is still the man who spent years pushing the birther lie, and who mainly ran for president to get back at Obama over a few harmless jokes at the White House Correspondents Dinner. I can see black people voting for left third parties, but there's no reason to think they would ever vote for the GOP-The Party Of Unjustified White Rage.