OK...if you want people to work for you, and they WON'T work for you if they have any alternative, learn the lesson: you need to change the way you TREAT the people who work for you. here's a few changes ANY employer could easily make in how they treat the people they work for them:
-Stop treating your employees as if they can never be trusted to do their jobs;
-Treat them like human beings; give them the basic level of respect you should give anybody, if they have ideas that could help the company, hear them out and consider them- and if you use the ideas and they DO help, reward them financially for it;
-If you HAVE to correct or criticize an employee, NEVER do that to that employee in front of other employees. Take them into your office and do it where no one can see. It is never appropriate to humiliate anyone in the workplace:
-Don't impose trivial rules, like limits on hair length( or types of hairstyles, such as styles for Black hair- or bans on tattoos or other body ornamentation or how someone can or cannot decorate their work station. We're not living in 1953 anymore and none of your customers are THAT obsessed with forcing your employees to look like Marine recruits or the lead characters in "The Many Lives of Dobie Gillis";
-Don't hassle them or constantly threaten them with discipline or termination over trivialities, like how many bathroom breaks they might take- some people just need to GO more than others and there's nothing they can do about it- or if they come in two minutes late if the traffic was snarled or they were up all night with a sick kid;
-Never make any of your employees feel stupid, worthless, or expendable. Nobody deserves that treatment, and nobody who has flaws in their job performance ever improves as a worker from you treating them that way;
-Guarantee everyone a consistent schedule, because more of your employers than not will NEED to take a second or sometimes a third job just to get through, and a work schedule that constantly changes makes it impossible for your employees to do that;
-If you don't WANT your employees working other jobs, pay them enough- and that includes either giving them health coverage or NOT working to prevent the establishment of a single-payer healthcare system or, at the least, the addition of a "public option" for the ADA- that they can support themselves on the income YOU give them alone;
-If they have a complaint about workplace harassment or discrimination, TAKE IT SERIOUSLY, assume there's at least a good chance they're telling the truth. Guarantee they will never face retribution for making the complaint, and that they will no longer have to work with the person they've made the complaint against;
-If they want to organize a union, get the hell out of the way and let them do it. Negotiate with that union at once. It's just the simple, decent thing to do.