Nothing I've posted was "bashing Democrats" and I've already said I support Biden-though we both know, Bernie aside, that we never had to nominate somebody THAT far to the right to win- so I've already done what you asked.
Bernie called for his supporters to work for Biden-he never called for them to renounce the ideas which animated either of his campaigns.
And for the record, nothing Bernie backed was the equivalent of the Bolivarian or Cuban Revolutions-at most, what he supports would move us towards a second New Deal without the concessions to segregationist committee chairs that excluded black people from New Deal programs in the Thirties- or a larger, multicultural Sweden with warmer weather.
Numerous polls showed Bernie beating Trump in head-to-head contests, AND those polls generally showed Bernie winning in the firewall states as well- so there is no reason to keep pushing the "Biden is the ONLY one who could've won" thing.
All he has said on those is that, given that nothing but misery has ever come to the people of Latin America of U.S. intervention in the internal affairs of Latin American countries, our country has no moral right to try and do "regime change" any of them. Nobody but the ultra-wealthy in places like Guatemala, the Dominican Republic, Chile, Bolivia(again) and Nicaragua(repeatedly) ever benefited from our past efforts to overthrow or destabilize Latin American governments, so why should we ever do anything like that again?
As to Maduro in Venezuela-he's not my piece of cake(though it must be said that he did clearly win the last presidential election by a solid margin- and even most anti-Bolivarians in Venezuela- the vast majority of whom still support some form of socialism or social democracy- do not want Mr. Guaido imposed as president- the man has no personal popularity- and the massive Pinochet/Milton Friedman style austerity/privatization/artificially increased economic inequality policies Guaido would implement- anymore than most Bolivians, even those who felt Evo Morales shouldn't have been allowed to run again, wanted their country's presidency turned over to a right-wing extremist like Ms. Anez, a politician from a party which had only won 3% of the vote in the previous elections and who is also imposing a brutal Pinochet-style austerity program virtually no one in Bolivia supported.
The best way to get rid of authoritarian models of egalitarian economcs like the Cuban and Bolivarian Revolutions is for the U.S. to accept that the peoples of Latin America-and the rest of the world- should have the right to vote for whatever economic and budgetary policies they want and to have electoral victories for such policies be respected.
Or as a well-known "anticommunist" Democrat of the early 1960s once put it: "those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable".
If the people of another country vote in a socialist government, it is not tyranny for that government to carry out the policies it was elected to implement. It's just democracy.
(As to "Tierney" in Latin America- and btw, Jean Tierney was a legend of the silver screen, but she's been dead since 1991 and can hardly be held responsible for anything that's happened anywhere since then, and as far as I can tell was completely uninvolved in Latin America politics during her lifetime).