Nonsense? The protests and the uprising were what HAD to happen. They couldn't have not happened, and there was no alternative to them happening. It was spontaneous, it was the people- why is that so impossible for some people to accept? The responses to the uprising are very similar to what Goldwater supporters were saying about the Black freedom movement of the early Sixties, when they denied that anyone had a valid reason to do civil disobedience to try and end Jim Crow and they insisted that the only reason Black people were rising to free themselves was that...wait for it...THE COMMUNIST PARTY put notions in their head.
And those responses were just like those of the antebellum Southerners and their Northern business partner-apologists who were saying constantly, right up until the Emancipation Proclamation and beyond, "they only escaped because them dadblamed Yankee abolitionists put notions in their heads".
Nobody EVER resists injustice for any reason other than the fact that injustice IS injustice. Nobody is ever tricked into opposing treatment they would otherwise accept, and nobody ever accepts inequality and living at the mercy of others as their natural station in life.