nobody has lied about you. It was a lie, however, to act as though Obama- who I wasn't that thrilled about myself, he was too deferential to corporate power and the Pentagon for my taste- was an Un-American extremist- a lot of people claimed, for no reason, that he was literally not an American citizen-by-birth, even though there was never any valid grounds for making that accusation about him- who was both a Communist and a secret Muslim- even though he was always clearly neither- you don't have to be a Communist to be a community organizer, you just have to believe in justice for all and a basic sense of fair play- and even though it wouldn't have been evil if he had been Muslim- and who acted as though it was evil that he had a non-European or British-sounding name, that he once wore a brown suit as president- never mind that Reagan wore brown suits as president- or that he asked for Dijon mustard for his hamburger one time, as if people don't put that on their burgers in EVERY bar-and-grill in the country. Nobody ever censored you. Nobody ever suppressed your expression of your views. All that was ever asked was that you not use slurs against people or act like the sort of former school bully-turned-nightclub heckler turned the most obnoxious relative that turns up at the family reunion.
There is NOTHING anyone has to say that they can ONLY properly express by being a loudmouthed jerk.