No...people who see reality say "that's not happening and you're a bigot".
Nothing anybody in the antiracist movement has proposed would turn the US into the Soviet Union or Mao's China.
And if we could offer reparations to former enslavers for the loss of their "property", why can't we offer it to the descendants of the formerly enslaved?
"States' rights" never meant that states had the right to give some people fewer right than they had in other places...they never justified anything remotely like Jim Crow or what's been done to Indigenous people.
A country that actually was "great" would accept the need to heal all the wounds and admit they should never have been inflicted.
And the fact is, none of YOUR freedoms depend on you having power over other people. Nor do any of mine. Nor do anyone else's.
All you have is your opinions, friend- you are no more the Great Voice of Truth than anyone else.
And your bitterness in life should be directed towards corporate power- not people whose only crime is happening to be different than you.