no one has ever been "persuaded" to be trans or non-binary, Nobody transitions and then, years later realizes they were "perfectly happy" in the gender they'd been assigned to at birth.
Trans/non-binary people have a high suicide rate because they face high social rejection, non high social acceptance.
And no one would be protected from any negative consequences by being discouraged from living as the person they truly are.
It's been proven that trans/non-binary identities are not deliberate choices, or intentional acts of rebellion against parental or religious authorities, and there is no such thing as "grooming" anyone to be trans or non-binary, because nobody would ever identify as that when they truly weren't.
And I say that as a 62 yea-old cisgendered "straight grandfather- soon to be great-grandfather- who believes people know who they are and who they are not, and knows damn well that I can never know other people better than they know themselves.