No, it isn't. Soviet Communism-an ideology which is now extinct- was about bureaucratic state control of the economy, with the power of the ruling party maintained by brute force.
The Green New Deal- which Biden doesn't support, btw- is simply about addressing the facts that 1) we HAVE to move away from heavy use of extractive energy and to restore proper environmental regulations in those situations where there is currently no alternative to extraction, and 2) As a society, we have to create high-paying sustainable jobs for the workers in extractive industries, so that those workers can survive the transition we have to make and so that the economy will have enough demand for goods and services to keep going.
In those situations where it worked outside of "market values"(and we are going to have to move away from those to survive the current situation, since the market cannot provide decent or humane response to it) It would not involve bureaucratic state control-the Left of today regards the Stalinist/Maoist model as largely a failure due to its lack of democracy- but setting up democratically-managed worker cooperatives-owned and run by the workers, not the state.
Those of us on the Left hate what Stalin did as much as you do. But the problem in what he did was the lack of democracy, not the socialist ideas he pretended to support.