No guesswork soon as you busted out the "colorblind society" thing, and the "some of my best friends are..." thing(nice addition with bringing in the gay cheer leader angle, btw) it was inevitable that you'd out yourself as a Trump supporter-a person who may not be personally, actively racist yourself, even though you do likely harbor an irrational hatred towards this country's first black president, a person who you have no reason to feel any anger or resentment towards given that he harmed neither you nor anyone you care about-but who does support a party which had made appeasing stubborn, mostly-but not totally-Southern whites in their unjustified bitterness about the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965-the one Southern white politicians have held a completely pointless grudge about for decades until they finally got enough Supreme Court Justices to cut the act down to nothing by approving a challenge to the most important parts of the Act, and who still won't admit that they never had any grounds for implying any Republican anywhere in this country lost an election due to fradulent black votes.
Why are you so pointlessly resentful about the changes you know perfectly well had to happen in this country? What have you, or any other white conservative, possibly got to feel so massively mistreated about?
What have you got to be so absurdly nasty towards Tim Wise about? There’s nothing cynical or opportunistic in what he wrote here, and if you aren’t racist, you don’t really have any reason to be trying to discredit Tim at all.
In reality, none of the exceedingly mild and moderate bits of social change that happened in this country have harmed you in the slightest. You've got nothing to be angry and vindictive about-and you never did.