Nixon did finally get the US out of Vietnam, but only did so after keeping this country in the war for an additional four years- four years which included the unjustified 1970 carpet bombing of Cambodia, a neutral country in the conflict, which helped start the chain of events which led to the brutal Khmer Rouge takeovee there five years later- and the late war bombing of Bach Mai Children's Hospital in December 1972, when the US was days away from withdrawing from combat and had no reason to be dropping any more bombs on any part of Vietnam at all.
Nixon was also noted for allowing FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to run a brutal campaign to violently destroy all remnants of the Sixties New Left- a campaign which led to such acts as the execution-style killing of Chicago activist Fred Hampton and essentially the liquidation of a generation of Black leadership in the US- and the economic blockade of Chile for having elected Salvador Allende, a democratic socialist- a blockade which led to a violent military coup and the death of Allende on September 11, 1973- a day many Chileans still refer to as "our 9/11"- and the creation of a right-wing dictatorship which destroyed the Chilean social welfare state, crushed the unions, sold off most of Chile's state assets to foreign corporations at bargain-basement prices. massively increased poverty and inequality, brutally suppressed the cultures and banned even the musical instruments of the indigenous peoples of the land, killed thousands of people and arrested tens of thousands more, ruling through terror for eighteen years- all to make sure that a positive, democratic and effective alternative to socialism never took root in the Americas.