My big issue with Bill Clinton on this is personal hypocrisy- as Democratic candidate and then nominee, and then as incumbent Democratic president seeking re-election, Clinton relentlessly pushed the Democratic Party to endorse the white backlash narrative about the supposed moral deficiencies and unworthiness of Black people, especially Black women. No one was more utterly demonized in the Clinton years than Black women, especially Black single mothers- no matter what reason it was that they were single(often it was because not being married to their children's fathers was the only way to be eligible for federal healthcare coverage for their kids, which makes it a choice anyone in their position would make) and no matter that most single mothers were and are white.
Bill Clinton's "brand" as a Democratic politician was being the Democrat who thought just as little of Black people as any white racist- even while hypocritically pretending to be a political heir to Robert Kennedy- a figure who would have been outraged at Clinton's embrace of every white backlash slander against Black people, Black women and Black families.
Bill Clinton implicitly declared himself to be entitled to pass moral judgment on every Black person in this country, and especially every Black woman in this country- on his watch, Black America was stripped of its humanity in a way it hadn't been by any president since the Klan-supporting Woodrow Wilson.
This approach culminated in 1996, when he gladly signed the racist, classist, absurdly punitive and vindictive welfare "reform" bill passed by the GOP congress he had elected in 1994 through his insistence on depressing progressive voter turnout- which he did by never really trying to get a universal healthcare bill through Congress, by betraying LGBTQ voters with his indefensible agreement to the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy on gays in the military, and by going out of his way to make it known that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party would be kept totally out in the cold on his watch.
Given his endless philandering, what right did he EVER have to pass moral judgment on the personal lives of Black women or of anyone else? Given the fact that he was the first president ever born to a single mother, what right did he have to betray single mothers? Given his origins as a child of poverty, who was he to disown and punish the poor?