Most of the country wants to permanently move on from the dead zone of the past's hatreds. Why would you want to keep any of those alive?
We never HAD a "good old days" in this counry for anybody who wasn't a rich, straight white man. The rest of us spent most of the time from 1776 just trying to stay alive on a day-to-day basis- except when Emancipation and Reconstruction temporarily freed the enslaved in starting in 1862- they were re-enslaved when Reconstruction ended in 1867- and when, in the 1930s the New Deal temporarily freed a lot of us, but not all of us from the fear of starvation, - and now, you want to make more people struggle and struggle harder. That's a twisted thing to want, and it's nothing to do with what most people would think of as freedom.
I hold with what John Lennon said "why in the world are we here? Surely not to live in pain and fear?".
Apparently, you think we NEED pain and fear.