Mind you, you had a good, decent, rational and deeply moral person you COULD have put into power in 2017 or 2019 on a program of real change that he could have been trusted to carry out- but too many of you joined in the smear campaign to falsely accuse a lifelong racist of antisemitism when you'd all known he was totally innocent of that.
That good and decent man has now been replaced as his party's leader by a cynical, reactionary bully who brooks no dissent, has stripped his party of all meaningful differences with the Sociopath government, And who treats his own party's supporters as greater enemies than the Sociopath government he's supposedly trying to defeat, when those core supporters have never done anything to deserve such treatment and when nobody who'd want them subjected to that would disagree with the Sociopaths on anything but a handful of trivial, meaningless side issues.
What else could we call that but some kind of socially-induced psychosis.