Jewish people do not control politics, economics, culture, the media- all that happens is that some people who happen to be Jewish succeed in their chosen fields on the merits of their work, which is the same reason anybody ELSE succeed- and the thing is, when people who are trying to be “pro-Palestinian” make the discussion about Jews, Jewish culture(s) or Judaism, rather than making it specifically and exclusively about Zionism as a nationalist ideology, doing that gives aid and comfort to Netanyahu and the settlers. Netanyahu and his allies benefit politically and geopolitically from any opportunity to paint opposition to Zionism as a threat to the survival of the world’s Jewish communities.
Also, the vast majority of the people who were fleeing for their lives from Europe were denied entry by the U.S. and Canada- there was an infamous comment from a senior figure in the Canadian immigration ministry, who when asked what an acceptable level of Jewish immigration intake in Canada would be, said “One would be too many”.
Palestinians are blameless in the long history of Jewish suffering, but they and those of us who ally with them need to acknowledge that that oppression was a real thing and that somebody, somewhere- not the Palestinians, but someone associated with Anglo/European/American Christendom, needs to make a major effort to atone for and address that- and part of that means that those of us who are descended from the white Christians who betrayed European Jewry by turning it away in its hour of most desperate need need to own that, should have made, and should STIll make a major effort to address it through making our own sacrifices- and by remembering that, in the late 1930s and early-to-mid 1940s, staying in Europe was NOT an option for Jewish people- whatever you can say about Zionism, if they had stayed in Europe, they would ALL have been exterminated.