It’s not “judging white people by the color of their skin” to critique the actions of the white power structure…it’s judging that part of the white community by its words and by its deeds…words and deeds which, in fact, are utterly lacking in character. If they were people of character, they wouldn’t be defending everything the police do to people of color-they wouldn’t be treating any increase in black voter turnout as suspicious and trying to reduce black voter turnout with completely unnecessary “id” laws, because everyone knows there simply isn’t any significant incidence of fradulent black voting. And they wouldn’t have voted for a president who endorses the discredited narrative that welfare use, welfare fraud, out of wedlock births drug use and criminality are mainly “black things”, when in fact most of the people who do all of those things are white. And they wouldn’t have spent eight years trying to prove that the first black president of the U.S. wasn’t born in this country and was thus ineligible for office even though they had no reason to believe that could possibly be true. Character is not just individual, it can be shared by a community-and there is a character flaw in that part of the white the community that does, says, and believes the things I listed above, and who voted for a president whose main agenda is driven almost entirely by his obsession with depicting his black predecessor as a comprehensive failure who ran the country into the ground when we all know that predecessor did nothing of the sort and that the only reason the current president is obsessed with erasing him is that his predecessor told a handful of harmless jokes about him at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.