It's in their class interest to be right-wing. It's my theory- and I'm sure I'm far from the only one who has deduced this- that the pretendy corporate social liberalism of the past few years- such as the facetious "End Racism" signs the NFL put at the back of end zones throughout the league and have decided NOT to display at this year's Super Bowl in order to offend our new, more openly racist president- was never about actually fighting social oppression, but instead an attempt to start a backlash against all anti-oppression/bigotry/racism activism, because our corporate overlords knew that there is a large part of the American public that will automatically, reflexively oppose anything Corporate America makes a point of "officially supporting".
The NFL and the rest of our corporate overlords WANTED to twist "populist" anti-corporate resentment into their favorite diversionary tactic, The Scapegoating of "The Other". They wanted to make white America more bigoted by persuading it that, somehow, bigotry is a form o "sticking it to The Man".
It always works for them, so why would they ever give it up?