It's impossible to combat racism without admitting that it's structural. If it wasn't structural, it wouldn't have lasted this long...nothing survives as long as white supremacism has solely through the choices of disconnected individuals, and nothing has ever justified the refusal of my fellow white people to stop seeing Black, Brown, Indigenous, AAPI, LGBTQ Jewish and Muslim people and immigrants as threats to be beaten back with a stick. And your repeated use of the scare term "Marxism", in a world where what you mean by that term-i.e., Stalinism and Maoism- are completely and permanently extinct- is just silly. There is no "international Communist conspiracy", there never was one, and there is nothing that's happening in this sountry that is ONLY happening because some sort of nefarious plot made it happen against the will of the people.
Finally, none of the changes CRT advocates would harm you, or me, or any other white person. Nobody's going to be lined up at shot for opposing cuts in the police budget, for god's sakes.