It's at least related to your point and your tactics- you were doing the demagogic, totally inappropriate "nobody has any right to oppose what the Israeli government does to Palestinians until the Arab countries and the rest of the planet are all Utopian" gambit.
A lot of people who are in Palestinian solidarity activism actually have supported change in the Arab world by supporting the "Arab Spring", a movement for grassroots democracy Netanyahu implacably opposed- for some reason he thinks all Arab countries MUST be run by military or quasi-military dictators and that Arabs are pathologically incapable of creating a non-authoritarian future on their own terms, just as they are all supposedly inherently barbarian and incapable of conducting themselves as civilized human being.
Yes, there are a lot of horrible things in Arab countries and other countries- the difference is that, unlike the case with Israel, the US isn't subsidizing the authoritarian states in those countries and there's nothing activists can do to work for change in any of them without another Arab Spring-like popular rising occurring- it's not possible to democratize any country anymore by invading it militarily, which means a regional war on the part of Netanyahu can never create a democratic Arab world by force and just as it is impossible for US to make Iran a democracy by bombing its nuclear facilities.
The whole "what about Syria?" thing is as embarrassing, pathetic and useless as the "what about 'the captive nations'?" thing U.S. Cold Warriors used to do, in the days when the argued that nobody had the right to oppose any U.S. backed military junta in Latin America or Africa or Asia, or the apartheid regime in South Africa, or the US. backed bandit army called the Contras in Nicaragua, until the Eastern European Stalinist states fell and the Soviet Union ceased to exist.
Here's the way that played out- the US refused to back the good, non-repressive government of Mikhail Gorbachev, or even the capitalist democracy Boris Yeltsin tried to build- and at the same time destablized the new post-Communist governments in East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary by forcing them to bring in crippling austerity- while encouraging a pointless breakup of Czechia and the Slovak lands into separate countries- while humiliating all of these countries by forcing them to play the role of the vanquished nations and losing all international prestige.
As a result, most of Eastern Europe is now governed by right-wing, antisemitic ethnic nationalists and Russia is run by Putin, who consolidated power by vowing to avenge the shame.
That's how it will all play out if Netanyahu gets his way in that region- permanent war between Israel and the Arab countries, permanent internecine combat between competing dispossessed Palestinian factions which will always spiral into extreme violence, and the US permanently channeling implements of death to everybody on both sides.
Decent people shouldn't want that, Em. Decent people should want war to END at some point.