is that "Dragonxbreath" as in "GrandDragonxbreath"?
Yes, redlining legally ended 60 years ago, but the consequences of it- black and brown(and working-class white) neighborhoods that were economically strangled- have never been addressed.
There has never been any serious effort to restore the existence of locally-owned small businesses in those neighborhoods.
There has never been federal jobs programs to as a first-step to jumpstarting economic life in those neighborhoods.
There has never been the necessary changes in the tax system that would allow municipal governments to gather revenues from means other than property tax-a situation which essentially makes it impossible for local governments to provide the services they need due to the low property values caused by both redlining and decades of "white flight".
And the barbaric rules that bar two-parent families from receiving public assistance- assistance they have no alternative to seek, since the legacy of redlining keeps those neighborhoods in economic dead zone status, leaving families with no alternative but either accepting assistance if they want to survive.
Get rid of the ban on two-parent families getting assistance, accept that if two-parent families are that freaking important it is WORTH subsidizing their survival, and about 90% of dads not living with their kids in those communities goes away.
The situation is driven by economic desperation, not lack of care for the children- those dads care about their kids as much as anybody in a two-parent white family in the 'burbs does, sometimes more, it's just that there's no work, they can't afford to travel to find work, and they have no alternative but to choose to have the kids raised with just the mother in the home or see those kids starve.