In many respects, Obama sealed Hillary's doom when he forced her to block "no TPP" language in the platform. If he had allowed her to stay with her "no TPP" position from the primaries, it would have been much harder, if not impossible, for The Future Former Guy to take the firewall states- all of which were overwhelmingly anti-TPP- and therefore win in the Electoral College.
Sanders people were begging Hillary to make a specific "no TPP" pledge and include it in her campaign ads in the fall- the ads which, instead of doing that, made themselves completely useless and ineffective by reducing Hillary's general election message to nothing but 1) It's time for a woman president; 2) Defend reproductive choice; 3)Trump Is a scumbucket.
All three parts of that message were valid, but they were never going to elect the Clinton-Kaine ticket, and the Clinton campaign should have listened to the people who were telling her to include an economic justice message and to actively try to connect with working-class voters of all races AND the young activists who had gone into electoral politics for the first time working for Sanders and needed to be reassured that they and what they cared about and fought for would not be totally out in the cold in a Hillary presidency.
Hillary's campaign wouldn't listen, and that's why they lost what should have been an unlosable election.
Six years later, they STILL refuse to take any responsibility whatsoever for that outcome or to admit any mistakes.